Leidsche Rijn

In the western part of the city of Utrecht, Leidsche Rijn is situated, the largest and one of the most innovative urban development locations of The Netherlands. The new city neighbourhood consist of 30.000 houses, industrial areas and numerous facilities and is still growing. Leidsche Rijn is an excelent example of modern urban living with new housing and living concepts, green and open city planning, with priority for bike mobility


The excursion will highlight the architecture in this district and the urban development. Several sub-plans are designed and executed by a large number of national and international urban developers. Together they form a showcase of 21st century residential planning at a large scale. Leidsche Rijn is special because it offers a state of the art collection of modern housing within a layout that has incorporated the historic cultural landscape of the area.

Brusselplein (foto: Luuk Kramer)

Tour by foot

During a tour by foot we visit Leidsche Rijn Centre, with Brussel square, the prize-winning bus station (2020, Annebregje Snijders), plantsoen van Boedapest (2021, Baljon Architects) and neighboring residential complexes like Sinfonia (2021, DOK Architects, Marlies Rohmer Architects & Urbanists) and Tango (2023, Bureau Van Eig and Zecc Architecten). De cultural district of Leidsche Rijn is currently being developend at Berlin square, within its centre: RAUM the pioneer in placemaking and community building. 

Busstation Leidsche Rijn, foto Nadine van den Berg

By bike

A tour by bike combines Leidsche Rijn centre with the distric at large and visit several types of constructions and residential buildings. We will also focus on the extensive bicycle friendly infrastucture Utrecht is famed for in the Netherlands. An example of this is Daphne Schippersbrug (2017, Next Architects). It uniquely integrates a bicycle and pedestrian bridge with a primary school and a park into one coherent whole. The new connection between the historic city center of Utrecht and the new residential area Leidsche Rijn leads cyclists and walkers across the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal via the roof of the school. Due to the double use of land and the optimal integration of program components, the Dafne Schippers Bridge has become an icon for the city of Utrecht and the Dutch approach to sustainable cycling infrastructure. 

Dafne Schippersbrug Foto: Juri Hiensch

The tour focuses on Willem Alexander Park, which is uniquely situated above an inter city highway. Furthermore we will visit  neighbourhoods such as Rijnvliet, Langerak, Parkwijk, Terwijde and ‘t Zand and projects as the Black latex box by NL Architects, the Wall, Scherf 13 by SeArch Architects, Forum ‘t Zand by Venhoeven CS, Máxima Park by West8 Landscape Architects and the archeological site Castellum Hoge Woerd, and residences by Mecanoo, DAF Architects and others.

Please inform us if you have preferences for particular neighbourhoods or projects to visit.


1 – 1,5 hrs (walking tour) 2 hrs (bike tour)


The number of participants for a walking tour is at least 10 and has a maximum of 20. For a bike tour the number of participants is limited to 10. You can easily book extra guides if you exceed this number. Please mention the total number of participants at the application form and we suggest the number of guides needed.


The price of the tours depends on the number of participants, the duration and any additional customization. Rates are from € 12.50 per person. View the full price overview.

Bike rental

Rental bikes are not included in the tour. You can bring your own bike or rent one near Station Utrecht Centraal. If you have access to a Dutch railways public transport card with OV bike subscription, you can rent OV bikes at several stations.


For more information on tours and bookings you can reach us by mail: tours@aorta.nu or by phone: +31 (0)30 2321686 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.


You can book a tour by filling out the application form. Please note in the remark field if you prefer a walking or a bike tour and the preferred duration of the tour.

Application form Tours

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